BitFlo, LLC is a product development company located in Ocala, Florida that designs, manufactures, and markets our products. The co-owners in the business are both designers/engineers and old enough to understand the needs of our aging communities. We develop products from our own experience with family members who require assistance and help those lacking flexibility regain their independence, and our products are a great place to start.

Our products are made from quality materials assembled in the United States and built to offer reliable use for many years to come.

BitFlo’s core product, Thera-Mate Pro, is a personal care hygiene system created to bathe, cleanse, hydrate, and inspect the largest organ on your body, your skin.

Designed to be user-friendly, the Thera-Mate Pro was made for those with a limited range of motion. We worked countless hours to ensure Thera-mate Pro was a complete bathing and inspection system all-in-one.

Explore our website to learn more.


If you have any questions about our independent living aid, please don’t hesitate to Contact us . We would be more than
happy to answer any questions you may have. Browse our online store to get your Thera-Mate Pro today!

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